If your a screenwriter and a proud owner of an Ipad, you’ll find that there is already several screenwriter apps you can download from the app store.  Now I haven’t had a chance to download any app yet. For one thing I like using movie magic screenwriting software for my Mac, second I find that writing on the Ipad can be a little difficult. Maybe because I’m not use to writing on the Ipad yet. It is an adjustment compared with writing on a regular Mac. But you can solve that problem by  buying a wireless keyboard.  I have to say these apps are great if your trying save money on screenwriting software. Some screenwriting software can run up to over $200.00!  These days that would put a dent in any starving artists wallet.  So if your deciding which screenwriting app to get, buy Iscreenwriter. It’s only $4.99 and if you own Final Draft, you can transfer all your files wirelessly.  I hope Move Magic comes out with an app!